Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An update on me

Okay so some of you know that I was in the hospital and why I was there however there are a lot of you that dont so I figured Id post what happened and give an update on my condition as of today.

So we brought our boys home on friday the 13th of february, I was feeling great and adjusting well to having our babies finally home, the first cpl of days were a bit rough but all in all I felt I was doing a great job. So fast forward to friday the 20th of february, I felt fine , I feed the boys their midnight feeding (12am saturday the 21st actually) and decided to go to bed until their 4am feeding. I woke up about 2:35am and felt horrible-my stomach was turning and I knew I was going to be sick-I could just feel it coming. I tried laying in bed and hoping it would go away but it didnt so I got up and drug myself into the bathroom. I figured Id just throw up and get it over with and Id feel better - I knew it was almost 3 and Id ahve to start getting the boys ready to eat soon so I was hoping that it would happen quickly. TMI ahead -sorry-Well within minutes of getting into the bathroom I was throwing up-and it wasnt just a little-it kept coming . All I kept thinking was I couldnt wait for it to stop and for my stomach to feel better, however once I stopped getting sick, my stomach pain was getting worse- I knew something was wrong-the pain was horrible. All of the sudden I couldnt move- I feel on the couch and just sat there crying from the pain. I knew I needed help but couldnt get up to go back in the bedroom to get Clyde up so I yelled for my mom upstairs-thank goodness shes a light sleeper as well. She came down and tried to helpme- she got me water and a cold rag-but nothing was working, the pain continues to get worse and I was sweating and feeling like I was going to pass out. My mom went to wake up Clyde casue she knew something was wrong and that I needed help quickly. I remember Clyde coming into the living room and saying to call an ambulance. About this time I started blacking out, I remember the emt's coming in and talking to me-asking where the pain was and could I get up etc...I couldnt even answer-the pain was so intence at that point. I couldnt open my eyes and I felt really weak. They tried getting vitals and were having no luck so they got me in the ambulance and away we went. I dont remember much of the trip-they kept trying to get vitals and still nothing- I remember the one guy saying- Her bp is 12 over 8 and I cant get a pulse-we need to hurry, I then heard sirens and passed out. I awoke again breifly to the cold air as they took me into the er- I dont remember what they were saying but I do remember they threw me on a table and cut off my clothes- I couldnt move and before I knew it I was out again. The next time I came to I had tubes down my throat and I couldnt move- I was freaking out- I couldnt talk or move and it was horrible. I could hear Clyde in the room and from what I could hear it sounded as though something bad had happened and as if they didnt know if I was going to make it- I was scared at this point. Clyde came to hold my hand and I kept trying to use my hands to write in his hand that I was OK and I needed to sit UP but they kept thinking I was freaking out and trying to pull my tubes out so they put more drugs in me-drugs that put me into a coma state- I was basically paralyzed- although I couldnt open my eyes or move, I kept feeling pins and needles and cuts...and I could still sometimes hear Clyde- all I knew at this point was I wasnt ready to give up or leave-not now ! Some time later I remember them taking me into a room and there were a lot of bright lights-after that I again passed out. The only other thing I can remember somewhat was seeing my dad standing beside my bed-I couldnt really tell if it was him or not but I remember thinking to myself-thats my dad and whats going on. Finally I woke up- I still didnt know what was going on but I still couldnt move or talk and the tubes were all there- as well as a huge bandage on my left arm. I remember my mom and Clyde being there with me and I was still coming in and out- I couldnt stay awake since they had me all drugged up to keep me calm. I dont remember what they said or who all came and went but I remeber asking (writing) to my mom what day it was-and she said Sunday. I couldnt believe I missed an entire day and couldnt remember any of it. By Sunday night I was coming to a little more, I was still in and out but I was doing better. I remember Clyde and nurses but thats about it.
By Monday they took out my breathing tube and let me go on my own. I was so happy to have one tube gone and couldnt wait for the other tube (the stomach tube ) to be gone as well. I remember lots of dr's coming and going and trying to figure out what happened-none of them knew what went on or what happened but they were all happy and amazed that I was still alive and progressing. I found out that while they had me drugged they had put an iv in my hand to put dye in me for a ct scan and it got accidentally moved and dye spilled into my hand causing compartment syndrome-which made my hand get huge-and turn black and blue so they had to make 3 cuts on my hand to save it- thus the reason for my hand being wrapped. They told me I had to go into surgery to get it sewn back up and that Id probably need therapy to get it back working correctly.

After surgery they finally let me get my stomach tube out and finally on monday night I got to drink something and by tuesday night I got to eat as well. We thought things were going better however after surgery my heartbeat started dropping and even went down to 34 bpm-they had to give me a shot to bring it back up again. It came back up for a cpl of hours but then dropped again and wouldnt go back above 44-unless I was really moving around. So then they decied to move me to a heart monitor floor to be watched. I got movedon wednesday and they started doing more tests because we were still unsure what had happened and why my heartrate was staying so low. On thrusday a cpl of our dr's suggested we get transferred to Cleveland clinic to have a second opinion and try to get some answers, however by friday I was feeling somewhat better and my dr;s decided I could come home so thats what we did.

We still have not gotten a reason to why any of this happened- aome dr's say it was a bag of infected water that burst in me from the c-section and others say it was because my electrolytes dropped to low and casued issues but there was never any diagnosis of any kind. I am trying to recover at home although I spend so much time caring for the babies that it doesnt leave a lot of time for me. I wonder everday if what happened will happen again and why it happened to begin with. I have some follow up appointments coming up so hopefully we can get some kind of answers but Im not holding on to any kind of hope that they will find anything. All I know is that hopefully whatever happened was a one time thing and that my body is past it and I can get better and I am so happy that I was able to fight whatever it was and still be here!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

An Update on the boys

Okay once again Im a little behind but things are a little crazy as you can imagine. So lets see-where should I begin-Well our triplets finally got to come home-all together on Febuary 13th ! The NICU told us that Nicholas would be able to come home on Feb 11th and that Noah and Nathan could probably follow by the 13th however since we were staying at the hospital helping to care for the boys anyway they decided to watch over Nicholas for another day so that they could all come home together. All 3 boys were back to their birth weight when we were discharged and are now well on their way to 7 pounds! Its hard to believe that just 5 weeks ago they were these tiny little 4 pound preemie babies and now they are almost 7 pounds! All 3 babies came home on apnea monitors- Nicholas mainly has SVT episodes and not a low heartrate, Nathan has a lot of low heartrate alarms and Noah rarely has any alarms. I really hate all the wires but I know they are here to help ensure my babies keep breathing and hopefully help prevent any issues. I dont really mind the monitors at night-in fact they help me sleep better-kinda like an extra set of eyes...but I also cant wait to be able to carry my babies from room to room without a monitor in tow. Nicholas was also discharged from the NICU on heart medicine to hopefully help with his SVT issues-they also taught us how to handle an episode if he should have one at home...he saw his heart dr on the 16th of Feb and she said he was doing well and we hope he outgrows the issue. He has had a cpl minor episodes since weve been home-1 time we had to use ice to bring him out of it and another time he had to visit the er to get in under control-we believe the last one was due to him gaining weight and needing his meds upped cause since that trip to the er and the new dose we have been episode free! All 3 boys also meet their new ped. On Feb 18th and she said they were all looking great. They are all growing wonderful and dont need to go back until their 2 month check up. We are still sstuck in the house until the risk of rsv is down-its no fun not being able to go places but it is kinda nice to not have to worry about packing all the kids up to go places right now-its kind of relaxing in a way. We did get to go on our first walk in our strollers the other day since the temps were finally up-it felt so good to get out of the house and get some air and the babies really seemed to like the walk as well-the slept the entire time!
So today was our due date 3/8- I couldnt even imagine still being pregnant. Our babies are now 5 weeks old and are changing everyday. We never got an answer on if they are identical but we are starting to think that Noah and Nicholas may be since they look more alike. Nathan looks more like his daddy and Noah and Nicholas look more like Alex and Mommy. Nathan is our big eater and grower-he is the biggest of the 3 and you can tell who he is just by looking at him. He likes to sleep and I think he will be the first to sleep throught the night-the only time he really fusses is when he is hungry. Noah is our laid back baby-he is pretty content just laying around looking at the mobile or the lights above him-he will often stay awake for long periods of time and be happy as can be. He was our slow eater at first but now he has no problems. Nicholas is our little one-he is the smallest but has the most personality. He always has a different look on his face-he is so fun to watch. Nicholas usually needs the most attention and loves to be cuddled and held.
The past couple of weeks have been really hard-after only one week of being home with my babies I ended up in the hospital-I will post more about that later. While I was gone I was so miserable, I missed my babies like crazy! My mom and my sister took care of the boys all week while I was away and we had a cpl other helpers stop by-including Clydes mom and sister. My mom did a good job of caring for my litttle ones and she did a great job of keeping them on schedule for me for when I got home. My time away also gave grandma her time to bond and she was so happy. Unfortuantly we had to stop pumping breastmilk while I was in the hospital so our time with Mommys milk had to come to an end. This part was also really hard on me but i am happy that they got almost a month of breastmilk-its definatly better then none.
Mommy and daddy are adjusting well to having 5 kids instead of 2. Its hard on daddy having to work both jobs and trying to sleep and help out at home but he is managing well. Im finally starting to feel more like myself again-I am really tired and the lack of sleep is horrible but its worth it. I cant wait until summer though so that we can get out a little more. Kierra is doing a good job at helping with her brothers-she loves to feed them and is learning to chenge their tiny diapers and Big Brother Alex is still trying to figure out whats going on. He is always pointing at the babies and saying Baby Baby Baby-he also touches their noses and says nose. He is very gentle with them and I think he is doing a great job of adjusting to them being here.
Well I think thats about all I have for an update as of now-hopefully Ill be able to update again soon so that this isnt so long. Hope everyone is doing well !